Sunday, August 07, 2005


August 5, 2005

A lead British medical ethicist wants U. S. medical groups to take a stand against psychologists and psychiatrist working with the military interrogators at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. He seems to think that mental health professionals working in such a way is a disgrace. He’s not sure they can do their jobs and maintain proper ethics at the same time. They may resort to exploiting fears and break the prisoners. Such techniques he claims are designed to damage, not heal, people’s minds. However, those involved in the interrogations at these locations assure us that the techniques used are specifically designed not to harm anyone.
I think the gentleman is a little peeved because these people are making a real contribution in the war on terror while he is relegated to doing no more than treating Brits with depression and an abnormal fear of fog. Fortunately no one is paying attention to him so he should fade into the background again shortly. The only thing the people working at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib have earned is our respect and sincere thanks.

Judge Rehnquist was back in the hospital for a little while due to a fever. Doctors assure us that he is doing fine and that this is typical of someone with this type of cancer. Maybe so but when will he catch on to the fact he has stayed past his own deadline. He said he would remain on the bench as long as his health permitted. Hospitalized twice in a month with infections due to cancer treatment is interfering with his abilities. He is spending more time worrying about his health (which is fully understandable) more than cases before the court. The time to step down has come. Resign Mr. Chief Justice.

Rumsfeld was picking on the leaders of Syria today for backing the “insurgents” (criminals) in Iraq and told them it would come back to haunt them. Well, I’m not sure what he meant by that but he is right in pointing out how wrong their actions are. They are harboring some of the criminals that served in the Sadam Hussein regime and not returning Iraqi monies over to Iraq’s citizens. On top of this they are funding some of the insurgents. This has all got to stop. I wonder how they would like to see an embargo much like the one we currently have in place against Iran? I say let’s find out how they react!

Some of the countries in Europe want to allow Iran to have nuclear power plants and the U. S. is in agreement with the details of the plan. They would be closely supervised and all spent and waste radio active material would be turned over to another country. Yeah, this is a great idea. We have a rogue nation lead by a radical religious leader of a religion founded on hatred war and bloodshed but let’s give them nuclear power. Why not blow up the world ourselves and save the middleman?

A high school teacher/coach in Bend Oregon has been publicly reprimanded and put on two years probation by the school board. It seems he had licked blood off a couple of his students wounds. Yes, licked the blood off of them. The students involved said he was just “joking around.” Apparently no harm was done and the matter will end here as long as he doesn’t have anymore pre-lunch snack breaks.
There is one thing missing in this story. No one took the time or the interest to ask him why. You’d think that would be the one question they would demand be answered.

Billy Goldberg a physician has just published his first book. It’s a non-fiction work that he believes answers many questions that have plagued people for years. At least according to the “study” he undertook while at cocktail parties and other such social events. The book is titled “Why do Men Have Nipples?: Hundreds of Questions You’d Only Ask A Doctor After Your Third Martini.” He claims men have nipples because we start off unisex and by the time testosterone floods the womb the nipples have already formed.
Here’s one more tid bit from the book before you head off to the office Monday morning. The average office desk has 400 times more infectious bacteria than does the average toilet seat. Now, don’t you feel better?


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