Tuesday, December 21, 2004

QUACK QUACK, The Doctor Is In

Rather than offering up one of my brilliant and insightful opinions, this post will serve more of an educational purpose. I hope that I will be able to alert some poor soul who may at this very moment be suffering from an insidious new psychological disorder affecting a growing number of people. I recently heard a report on this new condition on a popular radio talk show, and then was able to verify its existence and pervasive nature. Its formal name is Post Election Selection Trauma, or more commonly PEST. It seems to affect democrats that are literally at their wits end because Kerry blew the election.

I am not making this up. There is at least one counselor located in Boca Raton Florida treating people for this condition which was given its official designation by the Florida chapter of the American Health Association. This psychological counselor is treating at least fifteen patients for this condition and others have made the same claim. Sleepness, depression, and anxiety for what the future holds with G. W. Bush still in the White House are just some of the presenting symptoms of this twenty first century malady. This person in Boca Raton is treating his clients with intense psychotherapy and hypnosis as well as group therapy sessions. This condition is being described as “very similar to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder only without the triggering childhood trauma” (actually, PTSD can occur with trauma at any age).

I am no psychologist. I am a psychology major and will graduate in May with my Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a Counseling minor. Despite my lack of a complete education in psychology I feel certain that these poor people are being lied to and made victims by someone they should be able to trust completely, their counselor. I have discussed this with a number of my professors all with their doctorate in psychology and they agree without exception that this is all a lot of bunk. Being thrown into some type of psychological crisis over no more than some election results is beyond absurd. It sounds far more like someone wanted to move up to a newer and fancier Mercede's and has found an unsuspecting group of people to pay for it.

I am not saying that these people do not have some type of difficulty or that they don't need help to work through this difficulty. Most probably they do, but to blame it all on the results of the electoral college totals is just plain stupid. They now have being a victim of an unscrupulous counselor to make their already existing problems even worse. Beyond doubt this situation is a real tragedy. People already suffering from psychological and or emotional difficulties being taken advantage of by some near relative of Daffy Duck can be called nothing less. I just hope and pray that these people will seek out an honest and skilled counselor before any real damage is done. I also hope that this "gentleman" in Boca Raton will also seek help in the very near future since he obviously is in serious need of psychological help.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought your post was interesting. I came across it randomly through a related google search...I am a psychology student as well, and have always been interested in hypnosis. I know it sounds hard to believe, but people around the country are now using hypnotherapy to boost immune function and increase the speed of cancer recovery time.

I have no opinion about Wendi herself, but this study mentioned in the Harvard Gazette suggests hypnotherapy can have a surprising effect on the physical healing process.


A hospital in Illinois is using hypnotherapy as part of its cancer recovery program. The results of the program are under Downloads. They do not suggest that hypnotherapy alone cures cancer, but that it can be a powerful tool when used in conjunction to standard medicine.


So...not defending this Wendi person's claims, but this research is promising, no?

8:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wendi Friesen is a fraud. She makes outrageous claims and rips her customers off. Wendi Friesen has been called out by Penn & Teller for claiming she can cure cancer. I've listen to CD its not good. Stay away from Wendi she is quack. There are many great hypnotherapist out there don't waste your time with her.

1:48 AM  

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