Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Pirates Den


Representative John Murtha of Pennsylvania recently stood up in congress and demanded that American troops turn tail and run from the fight for freedom in Iraq. Knowing that criminals such as are carrying out the bombings and attacks in Iraq will use this type of comment to recruit and inspire their members this can be considered to be anything less than a traitorous act. Although few people read this site, I demand an official and straight forward answer to why this traitor has not been arrested and charged with treason and giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Everybody seems to want to get in line just so they can say George Bush lied when he was telling Congress and the American people about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the danger they and Sadam Hussein was to the United States. Such accusations may make for good press (unless the press has an unusual tendency towards honesty), and of course great fodder for the Democratic party and their hatred for anything honest and intelligent. Just to be different, let’s say we have a bizarre urge to be right, let’s look at some of the facts of the matter.

First off, when an exhaustive investigation of the matter was carried out by a bipartisan Senate committee, it was found that there was solid and credible information that Sadam Hussein had or was developing weapons of mass destruction. This conclusion was also reached by a separate British commission headed by Lord Butler. Also of interest is the fact that at the time he supplied information to Congress on this matter the totality of the information that Bush was privy to was far more alarming than what he revealed to Congress.

It should also be noted that the intelligence services of Britain, France (yeah, the cowards that hid in the closet), and Germany believed that Sadam had or was developing weapons of mass destruction prior to our invasion. They came to their conclusions on their own, with their own information, without encouragement from our government.

Lastly, the same bipartisan committee mentioned above, the one headed by Silberman and Robb, found that in no instance did the president ask or indicate that the intelligence community should alter or “buff up” their reports. So, the long and the short of it is that all these accusations by the Democrats (really that’s Dumbocrats but I’m trying to be nice) are 100% fabrication. In other words, they’re lying through their teeth to hurt the Republicans in the 2006 House and Senate races. You might want to make a note of that in your long range planner.

Anyone who has read this blog regularly knows that I am an unabashed Bush supporter, however, anyone can be wrong and when it comes to the issue of what to do about our border with Mexico, he is way off the mark. We do not need “guest worker” programs, we do not need less stringent immigration laws, we do not need to understand the plight of the Mexican immigrant. We need to see these people for what they are, criminals. When they cross our border illegally they are, as the word illegally indicates, breaking the law. We need to treat them as such and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.

Aside from the fact that we are not dealing with innocent people seeking a better life (if that is what they wanted they would expend their energy working to make their own country a better place to live) but criminals that want no more than all the money they can get their hands on. If you are wondering about this remember that Mexico’s largest income produce is money being sent back there from this country. There are other areas of concern within this larger matter of the porous border though. I have listed just a few of the things that show how vital the closing this border is:
Recently, a routine search at a checkpoint turned up 251 bundles of marijuana.
An immigrant was recently apprehended who was carrying a duffle bag containing three axes and three loaded guns.
The criminals themselves are in danger. In the fiscal year just ended 460 people died trying to cross the border. Considering all factors including the type of terrain, the real figure could be two to three times higher. The disease factor these corpses present to our country is terrifying.
Our Border Patrol agents have been attacked 687 times in the past year, almost double the figure of 384 from the year before.
Admiral James Loy, the former number two man at the Department of Homeland Security has said that intelligence strongly suggest that al Qaeda is eyeing the southern border as a “path of least resistance” to a strike inside the United States.
In the fiscal year that just ended, the Border Patrol had 155,000 arrests of illegal immigrants from countries “other than Mexico.” Six hundred and forty nine of these were from “special interest countries” (those that support, harbor, or spawn terrorists) including Afghanistan, Iraq, and Yemen.

In order to protect this nations security, its health and the economy several steps must be taken. They will not be easy, they will not be cheap, but we must act before we have an economic event that will make the depression look like a minor blip on the financial timeline. We must make sure our borders are secure before the criminals of al Qaeda manage to smuggle a nuclear or biological weapon across the border and initiate an attack that will make 9/11 pale in comparison. We must seal our borders before the rotting corpses of these criminals cause an epidemic that makes the flu outbreak of the early twentieth century seem mild in contrast.

One of the first things that needs to done is to get the appropriate experts to determine what, of all the technological advances of the last few years can be used to help detect criminals crossing our borders. I will not claim I have a technical background sufficient to outline just what we can do along these lines. However, I am certain such things as unmanned aerial vehicles, satellite imaging, motion detectors, thermal imaging devices, and many other gadgets can aid our Border Patrol in stemming the tide of incoming criminals. On the less technical side, areas of the border with solid fencing seem to have lower rates of intrusion and higher rates of apprehension and arrest. I do know that such fences can be electrified and use solar energy to keep cost and power distribution issues to a minimum.

We need to arrest and detain ALL criminals coming across our border. By criminal I mean anyone that is entering or attempting to enter this country illegally. For those that are beginning the “Where will we house them all?” song and dance, let’s look at history and see what can be done to mute that tired old tune. In the early days of World War II, when our nation was desperately scrambling to amass and train a military sufficient to mount a two front war they erected “temporary” housing for these new troops. These wooden structures, sufficient to house fifty-five recruits, had a life expectancy of three to five years before they would need replacement. Thirty years later, when I was serving in the Air Force, these structures were still standing and serving us well. They were strong and solid shelters against the weather as well as having the needed amenities for hygiene and sanitation. They were not luxurious, but they were never intended to be and had no need to be. There is no reason that several facilities consisting of dozens of these same type structures could not be built in the southwest to house the criminals apprehended along our borders.

We always activate various National Guard or Reserve units to help in a post disaster relief and clean up. There is no reason that the same cannot be done to patrol our borders. The damage to our economy and infrastructure being done by these foreign criminals is no less than that of a hurricane such as Katrina or Rita.
They have the equipment and the necessary training cannot be that major of an undertaking.

We must also, at the earliest possible opportunity, authorize our Border Patrol, local law enforcement, and whatever military is called in to assist, to use maximum force to apprehend and detain any person trying to illegally enter this country or flee from arrest. Also, and this will be less popular, we must deny citizenship to children of all persons criminally residing in this country, retroactive to for twenty-one years prior to implementation of this policy. This includes denying these children the medical care and bilingual education they are now receiving at your expense. To make sure this is understood, and that such services are not a continuing draw to the criminal element, we must use every means possible to disseminate this information to the illegal immigration network and community.

The Mexican government must be made to understand that unless they begin heavy and constant enforcement of immigration laws on their side of the border, all trade agreements are suspended. All economic aid, international loan repayment forgiveness programs and other economic incentives will be suspended until they are in total compliance with our border policies.

As I mentioned before, not all of the criminals crossing our border are from Mexico. Some countries, particularly those in Asia refuse to take their esteemed citizens back when we try and deport them. In such cases the person in question should be put on a flight to his/her homeland by U. S. Marshals, and then the planes exits guarded until the flight is in the air. Facial recognition software at all airports that have incoming flights from these countries should be able to handle our “No Return” policy. Trade and economic policies similar to those suggested for use against Mexico could also be instituted used against nations not wanting to accept responsibility for their own citizens.

The crisis of our porous borders is one of enormous magnitude. It affects every aspect of our society, causing us to spiral down into the very sewers from which it emanates. We must act, and we must act soon.