Friday, July 15, 2005

Rehnquist Announcement

So, Rehnquist isn’t going to retire. This is a real pity since no good can come of it. I’m thrilled with the idea of a man like George Bush being able to appoint one judge to the bench. This can make such a huge difference in the way cases are decided in years to come, but if he’d been able to make two appointments then the court could take a major turn towards intelligence. With the right people in place and the right case before them, the court could rid the nation of the tragedy of Roe v Wade and saved the lives of countless millions of innocent children. The citizens of this country could sleep at night knowing their property ownership would be safe from thieves. We would know that some developer wouldn’t be able to come along and steal it from us so he could build some shopping mall or office building that a properly purchased local government decided was for the “greater good” of the community. Another key factor is that Rehnquist is simply too old for the job. The stress and strain of such a position is far too much for a man of his age fighting such a severe illness. With the radiation and/or chemo therapy he will be left weak and sapped of his strength to be an effective justice, much less the added responsibility of chief justice.
I have no doubt that he loves our nation and its constitution and seeks only to do what is right for both. The fact that he probably supplied the ink for the original constitution doesn’t give him the right to stay on past his time of usefulness. I am not against elderly people, they have been shunted aside and ignored for far too long in our culture. However, when age and disease make one so frail and infirm that they can barely walk, their ability to contribute must legitimately be called into question. He moves so slowly they have had to add an extra ten minutes at the beginning and end of the daily session so the other justices don’t just leave him behind in the changing room. His stoop has become so bad that he has to look up to see a child’s knees.
Come on Willy, step down. Let some of us born after the revolution have a chance to shape our nations destiny.


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