Nothing To Say?
Last week I expressed a few thoughts about witnessing and the Holy Spirit. This week I'd like to mention a few thoughts about good ways to spread the gospel.
We are called to be witnesses for Jesus and of His works and Kingdom. It's funny sometimes what people think witnessing means. Some seem to think it is something the pastor is supposed to do between Sunday's(you know, to fill all that free time he has). He gets a good salary so why shouldn't he be the one to do all that preacher type stuff. Others think it is only those who have been through some special course on witnessing. You know the ones I mean, they spend three or four nights learning all the scriptures and all of that churchy talk so they can sound professional. And a lot of people, most Christians actually, think there is only one person qualified to tell others of Jesus Christ. To spread the word of the salvation He bought with His blood, and they are very specific as to who this special person is. SOMEONE ELSE!
No matter the situation, no matter who it is that needs the gospel, no matter the circumstances, the only person responsible for witnessing is someone else. Problem is that no matter who we think someone else is, someone else thinks it is someone else that should be a witness. See the problem here? No matter who someone else is they are waiting for someone else to do be a witness. When someone else is supposed to do it, it never gets done. When it doesn't get done, people die without the gospel and spend eternity in hell. There is no need for this, no reason why every person on earth has not heard the gospel.
You see, Jesus didn't ask us to become Bible scholars, He didn't say we needed to memorize five thousand verses of scripture and sixteen commentaries just so we'd be ready to answer any question that could ever be asked. All He asked is that we be His witness's. If you'll flash back to all the lawyer shows you've watced, you'll know that the only thing a witness is asked to do is tell the things he has seen and heard. Just tell others what Jesus has done, what He is doing for you and through you. People can't argue with what you have experienced. They cannot deny that you experienced miracles in your life, they cannot make a lie out of the love you feel everyday as you commune with Him in private. They cannot pretend you don't exist and that what you say is just a story. You lived it, you felt it, you saw it! That is all you have to talk about. Tell others what you have experienced because of your saving relationship with God's only Son.
If you feel you have never experienced a miracle in your life, never been the recipient of His intervention in your life, then get on your knees right now and speak to Him. Let Him remind you of just how blessed your life has been.
We are called to be witnesses for Jesus and of His works and Kingdom. It's funny sometimes what people think witnessing means. Some seem to think it is something the pastor is supposed to do between Sunday's(you know, to fill all that free time he has). He gets a good salary so why shouldn't he be the one to do all that preacher type stuff. Others think it is only those who have been through some special course on witnessing. You know the ones I mean, they spend three or four nights learning all the scriptures and all of that churchy talk so they can sound professional. And a lot of people, most Christians actually, think there is only one person qualified to tell others of Jesus Christ. To spread the word of the salvation He bought with His blood, and they are very specific as to who this special person is. SOMEONE ELSE!
No matter the situation, no matter who it is that needs the gospel, no matter the circumstances, the only person responsible for witnessing is someone else. Problem is that no matter who we think someone else is, someone else thinks it is someone else that should be a witness. See the problem here? No matter who someone else is they are waiting for someone else to do be a witness. When someone else is supposed to do it, it never gets done. When it doesn't get done, people die without the gospel and spend eternity in hell. There is no need for this, no reason why every person on earth has not heard the gospel.
You see, Jesus didn't ask us to become Bible scholars, He didn't say we needed to memorize five thousand verses of scripture and sixteen commentaries just so we'd be ready to answer any question that could ever be asked. All He asked is that we be His witness's. If you'll flash back to all the lawyer shows you've watced, you'll know that the only thing a witness is asked to do is tell the things he has seen and heard. Just tell others what Jesus has done, what He is doing for you and through you. People can't argue with what you have experienced. They cannot deny that you experienced miracles in your life, they cannot make a lie out of the love you feel everyday as you commune with Him in private. They cannot pretend you don't exist and that what you say is just a story. You lived it, you felt it, you saw it! That is all you have to talk about. Tell others what you have experienced because of your saving relationship with God's only Son.
If you feel you have never experienced a miracle in your life, never been the recipient of His intervention in your life, then get on your knees right now and speak to Him. Let Him remind you of just how blessed your life has been.