Friday, February 17, 2006

The Quail Hunter Gang


Despite all that is going on in the world and our own nation, people in the liberal news rooms across the nation have nothing to do. I assume large numbers of them are playing solitaire, computer games, maybe building replicas of little ships in bottles. No matter which of these fine activities the many left leaning journalist are engaging in, a few of their number seem to have become so bored with the lack of worthwhile activity that they have started searching the archives for stories to write about.

It seems that various news papers and electronic news services have discovered some “new” pictures from Abu Ghraib and the abuse that took place there. These pictures don’t show anything new, don’t implicate any person that has not already been investigated and adjudicated in the matter. Com’on guys, a crime occurred, was investigated and the guilty have been arrested, tried and are or have been punished accordingly. It’s over. It’s history. Let’s move on with life.

Dick Cheney and the
Quail Wrangler Gang

Dick Cheney, our nation’s Vice President had the nerve to go quail hunting this past weekend. Not only did he have the audacity to engage in a relaxing activity, he (get ready) used a gun. I know, all of the wonderful liberals and tree huggers have been telling us for years that hunting, if it must be done at all, should only be done with a slingshot with two broken rubber bands. What can I say? The VP is old and stuck in the ways of the pioneers. This isn’t the real crime though. It seems some of our Vice President’s bird shot struck one of his hunting buddies. To be sure, a far from insignificant event.

The liberals, having left their common sense and good taste in another suit, are trying their best to make this story sound like Cheney pulled off a drive-by shooting in his low-riding bullet proof limo. The event unfolded something like this. The Vice President along with several friends were hunting quail in a straight line manner. Mr. Whittington dropped out of line without saying a word to anybody to look for a downed bird in tall grass. He then rejoined the line of hunters without saying anything to anybody, and in so doing walked into the Vice President’s line of fire. At the moment the Vice President fired Mr. Whittington was standing in a gully, making him much lower on the landscape that he would normally have been. This made him harder to see and more in line with the path of a rising quail. That’s all there was to it, period!

Now some would have the public believe otherwise. Based on nothing more than the fact that Mr. Cheney didn’t immediately go running out to the press pool screaming “I shot a man, I shot a man!” Instead the injured man was taken to the hospital (what without a press conference?) and Cheney spoke with law enforcement officials the following day. Gilbert San Miguel, chief deputy of the Kenedy County Sheriff’s Office said that there was no misconduct, no alcohol involved, this was simply a hunting accident. The stupidity doesn’t stop here though. David Finn, a former Texas and federal prosecutor says that a grand jury could bring an indictment if “there is evidence the Vice President knew or should have known ‘there was a substantial or unjustifiable risk that his actions would result in him shooting a fellow hunter.’” The proper authorities have already labeled this an accident and this fool is screaming for a grand jury. Whoever took the liberals string away from them needs to give it back so they’ll have something to play with.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Scuzlims and Cartoons


There has been a lot of talk lately in the liberal press about all the fuss the scuzlims are creating over a few less than flattering cartoons of the “prophet” mohammed that ran in a Danish news paper some five months ago (yes, five months). They have been rioting and trying to destroy the property of anyone that isn’t a brother scuzlim. Just today three people died in Pakistan as a result of their murderous ways and there are many others dead over the last two weeks or so because of the scuzlims and their hatred of anything intelligent. They claim that no one has the right to create an image of ol’mohammed the vile. What the heck are they talking about? I mean, if they want to keep images of their main dude out of their cult that’s all well and good but what right do they have to tell you, me, the Danish, or anyone else what we can and can’t create and/or publish?

Not only are there people dying as a result of the unlawful rioting of the scuzlims, the “religion” that all this is based on is no more than a cult and worship of a man that himself admitted that most of his ramblings while at first claimed to be of God, he later admitted they were demonic utterances. The Koran, the book mohammed used to record his demonic words still claims that mohammed is the “prophet of God,” however; God’s True Word clearly states that Jesus is His Messenger, His Son, and the only way to God. Not only that, the Koran written some seven hundred years after Christ, violates God’s word by its very existence. In Revelation God clearly states that no one should take away from His word, and by claiming that there is another way to heaven other than Jesus, takes away all that the New Testament brings us.

The next issue that needs to be kept in mind is the character of mohammed himself, the character that all this scuzlim nonsense is based on. Mohammed was a pedophile. He married a girl when she was six (6!) years-old. When her father objected (how dare he?) suddenly dear ol’mohammed claimed that the whole marrying a child idea was God’s. Now it should be said in mohammed’s defense that he waited till the girl was the ripe old age of nine (9) before he consummated the marriage physically. What a sweetie! Just to be sure that he had his followers fooled into thinking it was right for him to molest a nine-year-old, he wrote in the koran “There is no fault in the prophets wives.” Another interesting fact is that the scuzlims will claim that their god, mohammed, ascended into heaven from what the Hebrews call the Temple Mount and they call the dome of the rock. History records things a little differently though. It seems that he was poisoned by the wife of one of his murder victims. The really important thing is that Christ’s tomb is empty, mohammed’s is still occupied.

Let’s take just a quick look at the cult itself. The scuzlims claim that theirs is a religion of peace. I guess that depends on how you define peace. The koran, their “holy” book gives very explicit instructions as to how to handle unbelievers, and by unbelievers they mean anyone that doesn’t believe exactly as they do, kill them. Don’t explain the cult to them, don’t try and convert them, just kill them. Well, I guess if they’re good enough at it they will have peace, they’ll be the only ones left. I firmly believe that in reality that is exactly what they want. To kill each and every one of us that dares to believe in truth rather than a pedophiliac murderer named mohammed. The koran also teaches that if someone does something that is offensive to them (probably what they are basing their rioting on) they should seek revenge. However, the Bible, God’s true word, says clearly and repeatedly that revenge is God’s (Lev. 19:18, Prov. 24:29, Rom. 12:17, I Thess. 5:15, I Peter 3:9, Deut. 32:35, Ps. 94:1, Ezek. 25:17, Michah 5:15, Nahum 1:2, Rom. 12:19, II Thess. 1:8, and Heb. 10:30). Even his beginnings in life seem to have been surrounded by violence. It seems that just weeks before he was born his father died a sudden and violent death. You have to admit that does raise questions about whether or not the man that died was really his father. In that time and place such a situation certainly wouldn’t have been unique.

Perhaps someday, some great day of enlightenment for these people, they will realize that by worshipping mohammed, they are worshipping Satan himself.