Double-O Christianity
When Tabery and her husband decided they did not want to pray in public it was an overt act of disrespect bordering on contempt, towards the very God she claims to worship. Such an act can convey no other message than “God is a big part of my private life, I just don’t want Him embarrassing me in public.” It’s just like the old days when crazy Aunt Gertrude was hidden away in the attic so she wouldn’t embarrass the family. Jesus made it abundantly clear that we are not to hide our faith in, our service to, or our devotion to Him. “But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” (Matt. 10:33) To refuse to pray in public, as she and her husband choose to do, is no different than Peter’s denial when he said “I know not the man” while Jesus was on trial for His life. (Matt. 26: 72 & 74) Her acts clearly demonstrated how cowardly she and her husband really are. Afraid, can you believe it, afraid to acknowledge God in a public place!
In a desperate and very mistaken attempt to defend her actions and elicit sympathy for her fourteen year old son, she makes the statement, “in their suddenly very Christian public schools, football stadiums, and town meetings.” What planet is she living on? Christian clubs or groups are forbidden to meet on school grounds, papers written by students on their Christian faith are automatically given failing grades, Christian t-shirts cannot be worn on school grounds. Student initiated and lead prayer cannot be uttered at high school football games or other sporting events. If a prayer is said at any town hall or other government gathering unless it is to some faceless, nameless, generic god. But praying to the God of Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac, the father of Jesus our Savior, specifically, are forbidden.
Mrs. Tabery does take considerable time to mention that she worships twice each Sunday, plays the organ for at least one services, prays for the poor, the sick, the dying, for mercy, peace, and justice. She also prays for our nation and takes communion. She makes it clear that she has worshipped “as a Christian” for more than fifty years. Notice that she says “as a Christian.” Looking at both this phrase and her behavior I am reminded of the old saying about just because your cat has kittens in the oven doesn’t make them biscuits.
Jesus teaches that “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matt. 7: 20) In other words by what a persons life looks like is how you can determine what and they are. If a persons life looks like what a Christians life should look like, then that is what they are. If a persons life looks like what a non-Christians life should look like, then that’s what they are. Granted, you cannot tell whether a piece of fruit is good or bad just by looking, but that is not our concern. We need only to know whether or not we are looking at an apple or an orange.
One of this person’s claims is how Christianity is being “hijacked” for political purpose or use. The absurdity of this statement is almost impossible to measure. Granted, Christianity is more in the spotlight since 9/11 and by the fact that our President is an outspoken Christian. Even so the persecution against the Christian faith grows day by day. Christianity is not being hijacked, it is being attacked. Being silent now, with this era of anti-Christian bias is surrendering to the opposition. Mrs. Tabery would probably say that is just more reason to keep one’s faith a secret. This argument has little credence when looked at in light of the facts of Christian history.
Very early in Christian history so much persecution rose up in Jerusalem that the average church member, the ordinary “pew setter” as many call them today had to leave their homes in Jerusalem and seek sanctuary in other cities and towns. They feared being jailed, killed, and tortured if they stayed where they were. Did they leave and go underground, try to become invisible to the authorities for their own protection? No, they didn’t. As the author of Acts puts it “Therefore they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word.” (Acts 8: 4) These people didn’t try and “blend in” with the rest of the world, they spoke up and proclaimed Jesus Christ and their allegiance to Him. To hide your faith, no matter the reason, is to deny your faith. To deny your faith is to deny Jesus Christ.
Jesus never asked for “undercover disciples.” He never said He wanted or needed a bunch of secret agents to infiltrate society without society having any idea of who we really are. Never has anyone testified that they became a Christian because of how well someone hid their faith. Hiding your faith, never speaking up for Jesus in fear of “offending” someone, is no different than proclaiming from the house top, “I know not the man.” Jesus commanded us to go throughout the world teaching in His name and making disciples. This cannot be done by keeping your mouth shut. Next time you are surrounded by non-Christians, by people facing an eternity in the fires of hell, think of what Paul asked, “....... how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?”