Doc's Office
Doc's Office
Sorry it has been so long since my last post but lack of creativity and time has taken its toll. I was going to write and post this item a few days ago but decided it was best to wait till I had cooled down a bit.
There was a comment in a recent local news story about pastors encouraging their congregation to be sure and vote while being careful to not even sound like they were endorsing any particular issue or candidate. They are afraid of their church loosing its tax exempt status if they do. Keeping quiet so you don't hurt your finances? That's leading God's flock? That's setting an example to our neighbors? That's being His servant? That's making sure His will and His principles guide all that we do? Yeah, and I just flew around this room on angel's wings!
Throughout biblical history God and God's people have been involved in government. God chose the kings of Israel. He has told up plainly that the government we have is the one He allows, the one He ordains. How do we expect to have a good government, a Godly government unless we stand up and fight for it? We are told in God's word, we should support our government, support and pray for our leaders. Then comes the American judicial system that thinks it is best to keep the two separate.
Our founding fathers never said this is the way it should be. Nowhere in our constitution does it say one word about separation of church and state. This is a phrase from some private communications of Thomas Jefferson and others of the time. If it had any validity in the realm of constitutional law, if it was intended to be a guiding principle, it would have been written in the constitution or some other formal regulatory document. It was never intended to be any part of our law and so it was deliberately left out, thoughtfully omitted by our countries founders.
So why do we follow this concept so adamantly today? Because the extreme left wing liberals want the church totally surprised, to have no voice in the affairs our our country. To make matters worse it is the church that has let them have their way without even a whimper. Those that are trying to turn this nation into a vast moral and spiritual wasteland have decided that God should be thrown out of America and the church, God's messengers on earth, have stepped aside and let them quietly pass by.
It is time, no well past time that the church developed a spine and stood up and said NO MORE! No more will we be quiet, no longer will we be pushed aside like yesterdays garbage! It is time the church stood and proclaimed loud and long God's word, God's message, God's desire to be a part of each life and each country. It is time that we stood as a people, as God's representative and told the liberal devils that God is a part of this country and always has been. This country does not face the problems it does because of bad economic decisions, because of weakness in defenses, because of weak national security, because we are at war. It has the problems it does because we have crawled into a hole and allowed Satan's servants to win the day. We as a body have allowed ourselves to become the doormat of the liberal fools who are out to destroy us.
The only question that matters now is what, if anything, do we do to change it? It's quite simple. We get up out of the mud, stand tall and straight and scream NO LONGER! We must get in the face of our enemies and let them know their day is over and ours is starting. We must have the courage to defy their laws, the courage to stand and do Gods will and not mans will. We must make sure they understand that they can try to regulate us all they want but first and foremost we will follow God's law and ignor theirs.
God's people have a duty to speak out for Him and His principles in all situations at all times. If something is not within the guiding principles of His word, if it breaks His law, we should speak out long and loud about it. When something or someone is wrong we must unabashedly point them out and let all know they are wrong. Ignoring wrong, pretending it is not our concern, not within our sphere of concern is taking the cowards way out. It is telling the world we have no convictions, we have no ideals to follow, no sincerety in our beliefe, and that we totally lack courage. We are God's representatives, His ambasadors in this world and we have the obligation to stand for His principles not matter what the people serving God's enemies tell us. God determined long ago what is right and what is wrong, and gave us His word, the Bible, to let us know exactly what fits where. To compare what is happening to His word and seeing it is wrong is not judgemental, it is simply following His instructions. The only thing that keeps someone from saying wrong is wrong is cowardice. Simply being more afraid of what man thinks of us than we are in love with our God and Savior.
The church must speak up for God. We must stop being the clown in the circus and become the ring master, proclaiming for all to hear that God is the star, the bright and shining star lighting the way to a better world. At least, that is what those with a true love of God will do.
Sorry it has been so long since my last post but lack of creativity and time has taken its toll. I was going to write and post this item a few days ago but decided it was best to wait till I had cooled down a bit.
There was a comment in a recent local news story about pastors encouraging their congregation to be sure and vote while being careful to not even sound like they were endorsing any particular issue or candidate. They are afraid of their church loosing its tax exempt status if they do. Keeping quiet so you don't hurt your finances? That's leading God's flock? That's setting an example to our neighbors? That's being His servant? That's making sure His will and His principles guide all that we do? Yeah, and I just flew around this room on angel's wings!
Throughout biblical history God and God's people have been involved in government. God chose the kings of Israel. He has told up plainly that the government we have is the one He allows, the one He ordains. How do we expect to have a good government, a Godly government unless we stand up and fight for it? We are told in God's word, we should support our government, support and pray for our leaders. Then comes the American judicial system that thinks it is best to keep the two separate.
Our founding fathers never said this is the way it should be. Nowhere in our constitution does it say one word about separation of church and state. This is a phrase from some private communications of Thomas Jefferson and others of the time. If it had any validity in the realm of constitutional law, if it was intended to be a guiding principle, it would have been written in the constitution or some other formal regulatory document. It was never intended to be any part of our law and so it was deliberately left out, thoughtfully omitted by our countries founders.
So why do we follow this concept so adamantly today? Because the extreme left wing liberals want the church totally surprised, to have no voice in the affairs our our country. To make matters worse it is the church that has let them have their way without even a whimper. Those that are trying to turn this nation into a vast moral and spiritual wasteland have decided that God should be thrown out of America and the church, God's messengers on earth, have stepped aside and let them quietly pass by.
It is time, no well past time that the church developed a spine and stood up and said NO MORE! No more will we be quiet, no longer will we be pushed aside like yesterdays garbage! It is time the church stood and proclaimed loud and long God's word, God's message, God's desire to be a part of each life and each country. It is time that we stood as a people, as God's representative and told the liberal devils that God is a part of this country and always has been. This country does not face the problems it does because of bad economic decisions, because of weakness in defenses, because of weak national security, because we are at war. It has the problems it does because we have crawled into a hole and allowed Satan's servants to win the day. We as a body have allowed ourselves to become the doormat of the liberal fools who are out to destroy us.
The only question that matters now is what, if anything, do we do to change it? It's quite simple. We get up out of the mud, stand tall and straight and scream NO LONGER! We must get in the face of our enemies and let them know their day is over and ours is starting. We must have the courage to defy their laws, the courage to stand and do Gods will and not mans will. We must make sure they understand that they can try to regulate us all they want but first and foremost we will follow God's law and ignor theirs.
God's people have a duty to speak out for Him and His principles in all situations at all times. If something is not within the guiding principles of His word, if it breaks His law, we should speak out long and loud about it. When something or someone is wrong we must unabashedly point them out and let all know they are wrong. Ignoring wrong, pretending it is not our concern, not within our sphere of concern is taking the cowards way out. It is telling the world we have no convictions, we have no ideals to follow, no sincerety in our beliefe, and that we totally lack courage. We are God's representatives, His ambasadors in this world and we have the obligation to stand for His principles not matter what the people serving God's enemies tell us. God determined long ago what is right and what is wrong, and gave us His word, the Bible, to let us know exactly what fits where. To compare what is happening to His word and seeing it is wrong is not judgemental, it is simply following His instructions. The only thing that keeps someone from saying wrong is wrong is cowardice. Simply being more afraid of what man thinks of us than we are in love with our God and Savior.
The church must speak up for God. We must stop being the clown in the circus and become the ring master, proclaiming for all to hear that God is the star, the bright and shining star lighting the way to a better world. At least, that is what those with a true love of God will do.