The Pirates Den
Great news from the scientific community. It seems that researchers in Portugal have developed a vaccine that fights tooth decay in rats. Finally! I was beginning to think science was ignoring this critical issue. I was concerned because there’s a opossum that lives under my house that never brushes his teeth after meals. I’ve tried to teach him and warn him of the dangers but he just won’t listen. Even the stories of how much teasing he would suffer from all the other opossums when he has to gum his food hasn’t convinced him to do better. He doesn’t seem to understand that I can’t afford dentures for him when his teeth all fall out. With this new vaccine I don’t have to worry about it anymore.
A lot of people are upset because American troops recently found and liberated an Iraqi controlled detention center where the “detainees” (we call the people we have arrested there and in Afghanistan detainees also. Let’s be honest, they are prisoners.) appeared to be malnourished and some appear to have suffered some form or torture. I have no idea whether or not these people have been tortured, and if so it should stop, however, there does seem to be one issue that is being overlooked. This is an Iraqi run prison. These people are ones that according to the current government that have committed some type of crime. Since we are there to liberate the country, to allow them to establish there own laws and governmental systems? If so, why not let them do that? Torture is wrong but if we are there to let them create a real government with the respect of the people, shouldn’t we allow them to do it their way even if we don’t agree with it?
I’m sure you’ve heard of all the rioting in France and now spreading to Germany. This is all being done by people of North African or Arabian ancestry. That’s right, Muslims. They are upset because they have not been “allowed” to assimilate fully into the French culture. Assimilate on their own terms of course which is to be fully vested as citizens, with all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto. All the while of course they want to remain as freakishly different as . . . . . well. . . . . . they are.
They gripe about things like discrimination in hiring. They say that as soon as the name is seen to be Muslim in origin the response from prospective employers is always the same, silence. This sounds unfair to be sure but let’s look at one other thing before we see this as just more of the Muslim cry baby personality. France (and I have no great love for the cowardly French) have spent billions (yes billions with a B) on the communities where the Muslims live. They have invested in the infrastructure, schools, poverty programs etc. Yet still the cry baby Muslims continue to gripe they aren’t getting a fair shake. Yeah right!
One gripe is that at some of the high schools the failure rate is ninety percent. Now these schools have been built in the last few years, are as good or better than those in other parts of France. They are also equipped with the same type of supplies and technology as the rest of French schools. What do they want? Someone to come in and pound the knowledge into the kids brains? Take their test for them? Give them special test that it is know they will do well on? This last one may be the answer. We could give dear little 17 year old Achmed a chemistry test with one very difficult essay question. “Is water wet?” There is a chance that he will pass such a test.
A lot of people are upset because American troops recently found and liberated an Iraqi controlled detention center where the “detainees” (we call the people we have arrested there and in Afghanistan detainees also. Let’s be honest, they are prisoners.) appeared to be malnourished and some appear to have suffered some form or torture. I have no idea whether or not these people have been tortured, and if so it should stop, however, there does seem to be one issue that is being overlooked. This is an Iraqi run prison. These people are ones that according to the current government that have committed some type of crime. Since we are there to liberate the country, to allow them to establish there own laws and governmental systems? If so, why not let them do that? Torture is wrong but if we are there to let them create a real government with the respect of the people, shouldn’t we allow them to do it their way even if we don’t agree with it?
I’m sure you’ve heard of all the rioting in France and now spreading to Germany. This is all being done by people of North African or Arabian ancestry. That’s right, Muslims. They are upset because they have not been “allowed” to assimilate fully into the French culture. Assimilate on their own terms of course which is to be fully vested as citizens, with all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto. All the while of course they want to remain as freakishly different as . . . . . well. . . . . . they are.
They gripe about things like discrimination in hiring. They say that as soon as the name is seen to be Muslim in origin the response from prospective employers is always the same, silence. This sounds unfair to be sure but let’s look at one other thing before we see this as just more of the Muslim cry baby personality. France (and I have no great love for the cowardly French) have spent billions (yes billions with a B) on the communities where the Muslims live. They have invested in the infrastructure, schools, poverty programs etc. Yet still the cry baby Muslims continue to gripe they aren’t getting a fair shake. Yeah right!
One gripe is that at some of the high schools the failure rate is ninety percent. Now these schools have been built in the last few years, are as good or better than those in other parts of France. They are also equipped with the same type of supplies and technology as the rest of French schools. What do they want? Someone to come in and pound the knowledge into the kids brains? Take their test for them? Give them special test that it is know they will do well on? This last one may be the answer. We could give dear little 17 year old Achmed a chemistry test with one very difficult essay question. “Is water wet?” There is a chance that he will pass such a test.