Monday, September 11, 2006

Eugenia Piantieri

Eugenia Piantieri, or Jean as she was called by most friends and family, was 55 years-old when the world was robbed of her presence. The daughter of a military man she and her twin brother Marvin lived on Guam until they were seven-years-old and their father was transferred to an installation in California. Those who remember her from High School remember her by her maiden name of Jean McCann. She was a member of both the Drama and Commercial Clubs her senior year. Later she met and married Anthony Piantieri.
These are just a few of the fact from the life of a wonderful lady. While interesting they can sound a bit dry to anyone that did not have the pleasure of knowing Jean. Such facts overlook the fact that she had unique personality that was both outgoing and charming and that made people thankful just for the privilege of being in her presence. They speak nothing at all about a woman that despite being fifty-five years-old, still had a whimsical side which could be seen by how much she enjoyed the movie Funny Girl or in the fact that she still loved to tease her cousin Polly by reminding her of all the misdeeds she carried out as a child. Simple facts say little of her love of laughter or how her own smile and laughter enhanced her own natural beauty.
A listing of simple facts do not speak clearly to the extra personal effort she extended to help her cousin secure a job at Raytheon where she was employed at the time. The simple facts of this beautiful life do not explain the ability and desire she had to make visitors to her home feel not only welcome, but as if they were at home. It is difficult to realize how much she loved her adopted city, New York or how much she enjoyed walking through the city at night with friends. A simple statement of fact does little to help us understand how much she loved and enjoyed her new job at Marsh-McLennan Insurance on the 97th floor of tower one of the World Trade Center.
I never had the privilege of meeting Jean but I have no doubt I would have liked and respected her and that she was a person that led a life that deserves to be celebrated. Hers was a life that brought joy and comfort to many many others and made this world a better place.