Saturday, August 06, 2005

I know I’m behind but I am catching up. Here’s a couple of days of comments and tomorrow I’ll be back up to date.

August 2, 2005

Judge Roberts

Supreme court nominee John Roberts said in his written responses to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday that a good judge must understand his limited role, have humility and be “a thoughtful skeptic.” It seems to me that these are excellent answers but yet the liberal media still is trying to make this man out to be some type of right wing radical that will set legal matters back a full century if he is approved.

He also said of judges “they do not have a commission to solve societies problems as they see them, but simply to decide cases before them according to the rule of law.” Wow! Deciding cases according to the law, I wonder if the country can survive such a radical idea. The real problem is if we were to put some liberal Dumbocrat nominee on the bench he/she would have as their primary purpose on the court to make the country over into their own perverted image. Thank God we have George Bush and not Gore or Kerry in the White House.
Judge Roberts went on to say that the courts should not intrude into areas of policy making reserved by the constitution to the political branches. In other words, the administrative branch makes policy, the judicial branch should interpret and enforce the law. Sounds like a good idea to me. In the same batch of questions and responses he also said that he promises to respect precedent and respect the fact that other judges have worked just as diligently to hold true to the constitution as they understood the founding fathers ideas.

Six Marines Killed

In the town of Haditha in the western part of Iraq six Marines were ambushed by Iraqi criminals and killed in the resulting action. To make this tragedy worse, or at least seem worse, there is a distinct possibility the criminals were working with inside information. Officials are concerned that the Iraqi military has been infiltrated by “insurgents” (read criminals). If this was truly a group of native Iraqi citizens it would be easier to understand and perhaps, give credence to the fact that we may need to reconsider our presence there. However, knowing that they are Muslim Slum Club criminals coming across the Syrian and Iranian borders from many other countries. It is amazing just how low these swine will sink just for the “privilege” of killing Americans. Leaving your home country and attacking soldiers that are defending freedom simply because they have fallen under the spell of some deranged cleric is such a terrible and senseless way to die.

Comatose Birth

In Virginia a 26 year old woman who has been in a coma for the last three months gave birth by cesarean section to a girl today. The baby who weighed one pound and thirteen ounces was doing well.

The woman has been kept alive for the last three months with complete life support after collapsing during dinner at home. The hospital spokesperson said that there were no complications during surgery. The spokesperson said nothing about the mother or her condition.

Kids Death

A report by a national group that deals with missing children has guidelines for how the first hours a search for missing children should be conducted says police failed to follow their recommendations. Apparently, police in Camden New Jersey either haven’t read the recommendations or if they have they believe they know better and so ignored it when searching for 3 boys during the first part of June. The report also faults the parents for failing to call police for more than three hours after the boys first went missing.

The bottom line is that even though it is recommended that abandon cars be searched thoroughly early in any search, and the fact that the parents knew the boy had been playing in an abandoned car just the day before, the car was never searched. The police did pound on the trunk lid and call for the boys some ten hours after they disappeared but got no response. The result is three dead boys. Somebody needs to be held accountable, the parents for waiting too long, the police for sloppy search procedures, and anyone else that assumed that “somebody else” searched the car. Somebody else has never done a single thing.

Penny Are Fine

A man in North Dakota was upset after receiving a speeding ticket and showed up at the courthouse with a garbage can containing 12,000 pennies to pay his fine. The judge however had the last word, as they always do, and forced the man stay until all of them were counted. The County Administrator outfoxed them both though and took the pennies to the bank where they used a machine to count them. The bank then gave the administrator the equivalent amount in bills and even a few extra pennies.

I give the man a thumbs up for the idea but poor marks for execution. He’d be better off to just slow down from now on.


With all of the terrorism around the world people are getting more and more observant of things left behind or sitting where they shouldn’t. This was true of a Sydney bus driver that found a package in the back of his bus after completing his route. His suspicions were only made worse when he heard a strange sound coming from the box. He dutifully called police who came and checked out the errant package. Anyone who lost a whoopee cushion cam pick it up at the Sydney police department.

August 3, 2005

Reporter Killed

An American freelance journalist who recently accused the Basra Iraq Police of being infiltrated by Shiite insurgents was found shot to death today he had been shot in the head and body. It seems he was abducted earlier by five men driving a police car. His female translator was dumped outside a currency exchange store seriously wounded. It is unknown what other horrors the animals of the Muslim Scum Club did to here.

This tragedy shows the criminals in their true light. Tell the truth about us and we’ll kill you. Yes, the members of the slime covered Shiite Muslim Scum Club have shed the one or two decent cells in their entire bodies. All there is left, is the most disgusting filth ever to walk the earth.


Just south of Haditha, another cowardly remote controlled bomb was set off under an American Marine Assault vehicle. The explosion caused the 25 ton vehicle to flip over onto its top and killed 14 American Marines. This is the deadliest attack against American forces by the Muslim Scum Club since the beginning of the war in March of 2003. To compound this tragedy, these Marines were members of the same unit as the six killed yesterday. Most of them were also from the same community.

The liberal media, in an effort to give the people that did this credibility have labeled them insurgents. They are not insurgents or rebels, they are criminals. They come from outside of Iraq and come there for no other reason than their hatred of Americans and the freedoms we enjoy and have brought to Iraq. They have no noble religious cause, no great religious truth guiding them. They are criminals that are out for their own gain and use the “religion” of another criminal, Mohammed, as a cover for their illicit activities. The sooner these swine are caught and imprisoned or killed the better it will be for Iraq and the rest of the world.


I mentioned yesterday that a woman that had been in a coma for the last three months had delivered a healthy baby girl by caesarean section. Well, now that she has completed her role as incubator her husband and family turned off her life support and she died earlier today. I’m not saying this woman had great prospects but she should at least been given the chance to recover from the surgery and gain the strength needed to fight for her life. As it is, she was disposed of like yesterday’s newspaper.


Some South Korean researchers have announced that they have created the worlds first cloned dog. It is an Afghan hound created from a cell taken from the ear of a three year old male. They say it is a great step forward for both research and for raising companion dogs. Oh, yeah, that’s just what we need, a new way to make dogs. Obviously these people have been too busy watching their Petri dishes grow to visit any pet rescue center in the world. What a phenomenal waste of time, energy and scarce research funding. Nice work fellas.


Here in Missouri the state sets aside a few days before school starts when many items needed for school, clothes, supplies, computers, etc are free of sales tax. This helps people save that 4.225 percent and if the county or city joins in they can save those taxes also. The problem is that a good number of these government bodies refuse to take part because they don’t want to loose the revenue. Three days of sales tax might break them. If that is truly the case then these towns and counties are severely mismanaged.

I only mention this because I want to present the second PeeDee award jointly to all cities and counties that are too greedy to cut sales tax for three days. Their continuing to collect sales tax on these items is no different than the three-year-old throwing himself to the floor and screaming “It’s mine, it’s mine, it’s mine!”


A man in Brockton Mass. Angered another driver and after the exchange of a few words both seemed to go their separate ways. But, as so often the case, not all is as it seems. One of the “gentlemen” proceeded to take his wife to her destination and then returned to the scene of the incident. The second gentleman was still there and just reaching in to take his ten-month-old daughter out of her car seat. The second “gentleman” pulled up and fired four shots killing the man holding his daughter. Fortunately the little girl was unhurt although covered in blood laying in her car seat.

This was done in front of a number of witnesses so the police have the shooter in custody. The man is claiming self defense. Apparently he’s as stupid as he is vile.


Some investigators probing the discovery of hundreds of fetuses and stillborn babies in a hospital in Paris believe the practice is widespread. It seems that French researchers figuring that they may at some point want a baby or fetus for their work ask obstetricians to keep them for that purpose. The doctors happily oblige them even though this practice has been outlawed for many years. Current law mandates that unclaimed bodies of stillborns and aborted fetuses be cremated within ten days.

French researchers and obstetricians feel that someday they may be useful for genetic research so they hang on to them and store them in formaldehyde. In one hospital 351 such bodies were found. It’s not surprising but I guess it’s just the French being as disgusting as ever. Some things just never change.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Oil prices crept upward Monday and all those “experts” claim it was because King Fahd of Saudi Arabia died and people were uncertain about how things were going to fall out because of the new King. I hate to sound like I doubt what all these highly educated people are saying but the simple fact is that no such fear existed or at least there was no reason for it. The old king had a stroke in 1995 and Crown Prince Abdullah has been running the country since then. He was quickly appointed as the new king and things go on as they always have.
The real reason for the increase in oil prices is the same one that has caused all the oil and gas prices to go up in the last several months. Greed!!! It’s been going on since the mid seventies and it will continue till the end of time. The oil companies know they can force us to pay the higher prices and they want all the money they can get their crooked little hands on so they raise prices on a whim and then cook up some lie to make it look like it’s totally out of their control.
If shortages and higher crude prices are the case of all the price increases then why are there 1.8 million more barrels of distilled petroleum products available right now than there were a month ago? Just like with so much else that we have to have to live day to day, oil prices are governed by a set of self centered greed motivated executives.


A United Nations Working Group study recently released suggests that the United Nations take over running the internet and the agency that oversees the registration of domain names and numbers. Currently this is all done by a not for profit group under the watchful eye of the U. S. Department of Commerce. I can’t help but think that turning the running of the internet over to a group as corrupt as the UN would make as much sense as repairing the space shuttle with Elmer’s glue and duct tape.
Senator Coleman who has read the report says that turning the internet over to the UN would “be a foolish step backwards.” Face it, if it is such a bad idea that a politician can spot it, it has to be really really bad! I frankly couldn’t think of a better way to kill the internet than let the UN run it.


A lady in Birmingham owns a small coffee shop and was recently approached by a group of atheist that call themselves Universilist and espouse an atheist doctrine. They wanted to hold a meeting in her shop. Since the shop only holds thirty people and group meetings can sometimes get noisy and her shop is rather small she realized that this was a bad idea. That’s where it should end right? Well yes it should but of course it doesn’t.
This lady is a Christian and so the Universilist have decided she is discriminating against them because they are atheist. They are boycotting the shop and trying to organize a counter demonstration reminiscent of the mid sixties south where they take all the seats at the counter and do nothing and buy nothing. Amazing isn’t it. If they were keeping a church group out of a business they owned it would be their right, but since she is a Christian it is discrimination. Well, at least we know why they don’t believe in God. They’re too stupid!!


A city councilman in Boston has been really big on parking tickets and especially those who don’t pay them. He has proposed doubling the fines and penalties for many of the tickets in order to put a stop to the flagrant disregard of city parking regulations. There are just a few more interesting facts to this story though:
1. In the last two years this councilman has had 115 tickets himself.
2. He has twice been ticketed for illegally parking in a handicap spot.
3. He has been ticketed for blocking a fire hydrant with his car.
4. Ticketed three times for expired registration
5. He has been ticketed for double parking
6. Has illegally parked on emergency snow routes.
7. In all has paid the city $5527 in parking fines in the last two years including $845 in penalties.

Just since this story broke has the noble councilman gone to city hall and picked up his FREE parking sticker allowing him to legally park in his home neighborhood. He says he is human, he makes mistakes. Yeah I think so. The latest is getting caught looking like a fool for picking on someone else when he is a major law violator himself. The total stupidity of some public figures will never cease to amaze me.


A “religious” watch dog group in Texas is all upset over a Bible course being offered there in some schools. They claim that the course teaches that the Bible is inspired by God (which it is), that all their science discussions are based on a scriptural viewpoint (which they should be), and that Jesus fulfills Old Testament Prophecy (which He does). The group claims that “No public school student should have a particular religious belief forced on them.” Although barely, this statement just might hold water. The thing is that this is an elective course so even if their allegations are accurate, each student is there because they choose to be, not because the state is forcing them.
Why groups must go so far to eliminate religion, are so scared of God, is a mystery to me. And when that group claims to be religious itself, as does this group, it is even more mind boggling. Obviously there is just enough truth in this class to scare the anti-Christian minority. Way to go Texas!


Five police officers from Dresden Germany grabbed their friendly cadaver dog and headed to a small village near the Czech border to investigate a foul odor. They fully expected to find a decomposing body of some type but were in for a bit of a surprise. It seems the odor wasn’t from any type of animal tissue but a large stinkhorn fungus. This particular specimen had reached a length of about 20cm (app. 4 inches), larger than usually seen with this particular species. The police headed back to Dresden without citing or taking the fungus into custody.
I wonder if something very similar could be found coming from the office of the junior senator from New York?

Sunday, July 31, 2005

I Wish I Knew

The Muslim Scum Club is holding true to past performances, vile and cowardly. Near the town of Bazra they set off a road side bomb as a British Consulate convoy passed. Two civilian security consultants were killed. A little know insurgent group claimed responsibility on a widely used Muslim web site while at the same time expressing thankfulness to God for the fact they had been able to murder two more innocent people. God is not now nor has He ever been on the side of these vermin. They didn’t claim any particular message in what they did but I assume it would be something like this. You arrest fellow Muslims for attempting mass murder? How dare you? You did the right thing so we’ll kill some of your citizens!
Another homicide bomber blew himself up and killed five innocent people at a police check point in Baghdad. Twenty people were injured in the same attack. These fools claim they want the U. S. out of Iraq so they try and bring it about by killing their own people. Could there be anything more stupid? Another homicide bomber drove into a U. S. convoy near the city of Anbar and killed four of our Marines. Please pray for the families of these heroes.

Another hero has been killed for no other reason it appears than that he was an American. A DEA agent vacationing in Honduras was shot and killed by some juvenile gang members. He was not in the country doing work for his employer but rather was on vacation. He was shot while visiting a religious shrine. Please pray for this mans family also. He too had devoted his life to protecting the citizens of this country from an enemy as vile as the Muslim Scum Club. The police have arrested two juvenile suspects.

More and more doctors are turning towards drugs to help people kick drug and alcohol addictions. Some of the drugs being used were developed for the purpose of reducing the craving for chemicals or preventing the high they produce. Others in use are ones that have been around for years but created and approved for different uses. All of this sounds great and very promising but it does leave me with a question or two.
Whether alcohol or drugs, kicking a habit has always been a long and difficult process. These drugs promise to bring the same result without the lengthy withdrawals, that often came with a great deal of physical pain and emotional turmoil. I am not saying that either of these is a good thing but if one is “cured” of a habit by just taking a pill, will that person appreciate the freedom from chemicals they now have? It just seems to me that like anything else, being clean can best be appreciated when it has been earned, and not just handed to the addict on a silver platter.

The National Urban League recently did a study of Sunday morning talk shows and discovered that only 8% of the guests are African American. Stephanie Jones, the groups spokesperson says that this is the result of an exclusionary policy and calls it “Sunday morning apartheid.”
Is it just possible that there are so few black guests because there are not very many blacks in positions of influence right now? I don’t mean that blacks are not qualified for these positions, just that they don’t currently hold many of them. Condi Rice and Collin Powell make up a large percentage of the appearances by African Americans. As for other blacks they seem to have gone into medicine and the other sciences rather than politics.
Why is everything that seems to put African Americans in an apparent unequal position is automatically racist, rather than a result of simple facts that have nothing to do with race. If, as I suspect that blacks are not entering fields that put them in political positions of influence then how can they be represented in proportionate numbers on political talk shows?
The National Urban League would be far better off spending its time and resources on helping blacks see the benefits of a career in public service rather than whinning because they are being ignored when in reality it just isn’t the case. This country has enough problems without making them up out of thin air.

Technology continues to march forward bringing us closer and closer to a world resembling Star Trek. The latest thing is in the area of cell phones. They already play music, have text messaging, will connect you to the internet and retrieve your e-mail. Now they are making them that will replace your wallet. By putting in a special chip you will be able to wave it in front of a scanner and charge everything from fast food to movie tickets.
These phones are already in use in Japan and parts of Europe. I’m not sure I’m ready for them though. What happens when a system gets hacked or a malfunction occurs? I don’t think I’m strong enough to take opening my cell phone bill and finding out I owe 8 million dollars and now own the country of Botswana. Or, that I owe 32 million dollars because I supposedly spent a Sunday afternoon buying a Big Mac for all of Houston. No, until these systems are a lot more secure than they are now I’ll settle for doing no more than making phone calls with my cell phone. How’s that for radical?

Now, in closing let’s grab something from the really really stupid files. An 8 year old boy was recently charged with lewd conduct with a minor because his 14 year old baby sitter dared him to touch her breast during a game of truth or dare and he did.
Can you believe it? A fourteen year old bares her breast and dares her charge, the eight year old boy to touch them and he is the one charged with lewd conduct. Why, because the eight year old is male? Now that’s sexual discrimination! Fortunately the charges have since been dropped but the story points out just how stupid people can be at times. Granted, both kids did something they shouldn’t have, but by the time the boy fully understands just what he was involved in she won’t have to dare him to touch anything!