More Ramblings
At 2: 39 on the afternoon of July 12, the athlete collapsed during a voluntary practice. He was able to get back up and finished the stretching exercises. At 2:43 when the session was over he headed for the game day locker room. He was in the locker room from 2:45 till 2:57 with a team mate and an athletic department staff member. Between 2:57 and 3:00 pm he was carried to a pick-up truck and they headed for the sports medicine facility where they arrived at 3:03. There are conflicting reports as to whether he was in the front or back of the truck. At 3:08 an ambulance is summoned via 911 and arrives at 3:14 and begins CPR. The Para-medics took over care as soon as they arrived and took the young man to the Hospital arriving at 3:30. He was pronounced dead at 4: 05. This tragedy and subsequent string of events raise a good many questions. At some point after arriving at the sports medicine building the staff realized he had no pulse and hooked him up to an automatic defibrillator which had failed to administer a shock prior to the ambulance arriving.
1. Why was he allowed to continue after collapsing?
2. Why was he taken to another university building instead of the hospital which was right across the street?
3. Why didn’t the defibrillator detect and counter his lack of cardiac activity?
There is no doubt that there are more questions than answers and that only an outside, independent investigation will find the needed answers. A young man is dead and someone needs to explain why.
The Senate has passed a budget amendment that will increase the amount of money for veterans health care by 1.5 billion dollars. This is a really strange turn of events since the government usually has the idea that once a person serves their hitch, then all contact with them should be broken. The side effects of the increased patriotism since 9/11 seems to be having one more benefit in the form of the government actually admitting they owe a debt to our veterans. It’s about time.
A group of Islamic terrorist, who were using the Virginia countryside to train for a holy war overseas were arrested, tried and convicted. A judge recently reduced all of their sentences. One was cut fro 85 to only 65 years and another also had his sentence cut by 20 years. Granted, the fact that the one serving 65 years is 35 so isn’t likely to live to see release, but there is a principle involved. Supposedly this was based on some recent Supreme Court decision and the judge had no choice. Maybe but it’s wrong. These animals must be found, locked up and kept there for the rest of their life.
One of the convicted felons had his sentence cut from 97 months (just over 8 years) to 52 months (4 1/3 years). There is no reason for this. Why should we put this murderer want to be back on the streets to endanger our lives? Bet this fool judge is a Dumbocrat appointee.
A judge in Los Angeles (land of the totally stupid and terminally weird) recently ruled that some of the Patriot Act is too vague and therefore unconstitutional. The judge said that the parts in question cannot be understood by a person of “normal” intelligence. This law, or set of laws is meant to be used against terrorist and no one has yet found a terrorist that can come up to that high a standard of intelligence.
I know laws have been instituted from time to time that do go contrary to one part of our constitution or another. These mistakes do need to be corrected, but what I don’t remember is a “non-vagueness” clause in the constitution.
Senate majority leader, Bill Frist has turned his back on the President, the republican party and the unborn. He now support federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. He seems to think that this will help move science forward in great strides. The fact that they must kill a viable embryo apparently is unimportant to him. Despite the fact that this position is a plain and simple betrayal of those who have supported him over the years, he seems determined to have the government pay to kill babies.
The unbelievable thing is he still maintains he is pro-life. Yeah, and I’m going to fly to the moon by just flapping my arms.
The fact that Hillary Clinton wants to be President although frightening, is about as secret as the fact we won WWII. She has already started her balancing act, trying to please everyone all the time. She is trying to be the darling of the left while at the same time show herself as the candidate of the center. She is even now a big proponent of fighting terrorism anywhere and everywhere we find it and seems to be silent on a definite withdrawal plan. In a recent survey of likely voters Hillary polled as being tougher than Condi Rice.
She will have to answer one question before this campaign is over though. Has she told Bill the truth about her having a sex change operation prior to their meeting in college and that her birth name was Butch?
From the truly disgusting files we move to the how can this happen files and a story on the Napa Hospital. A recent investigation revealed that patient care in this mental facility is less than ideal. Apparently they routinely restrain patients for hours on end without reason. Patients have been forced to lie around in soiled diapers for up to 12 hours. Have overdosed on ILLEGAL drugs right in the hospital itself (some even fatally). Some of the patients are bathed only once every two to four weeks. They have even gone so far as to punish patients who had the nerve to ask to be discharged.
A hospital spokesperson said that the report is based on “inadequate” information. She had nothing to say as to what the government agency that conducted the investigation had to gain from filing a less than accurate report.
Closer to home, Governor of Missouri Matt Blunt has decided that the agency that oversees the process of state employees voting on whether or not to join a union isn’t needed so he eliminated it. I guess fairness in the process is less important to him than money. This same agency also handled appeals of workman’s compensation claims. I’m sure that dumping all of this on another agency, the already busy Labor and Industrial Relations Agency will cause no problems such as excessive delays, especially in the workman’s comp claims. People can live a few more months without income of their own with the state’s help, till their case finally comes up.
This last story comes from the really hard to believe files. It seems France, you know the folks that surrender three weeks before war is declared actually are doing something right. They are planning to deport a dozen Muslim clerics that are in the habit of trying to inflame young Muslims with hate speech. They are sending all of these people to their country of origin. Not bad for the consistent winners of the Cringing Chicken award!